Vrije Universiteit Law Academy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- May 2023: Parenting coordination training

- April – May 2022: Parenting Coordination Training

- 8 October 2021: Parenting coordination training
- May – June 2021: Parenting coordination training (online)
Comments from delegates:
“Vernieuwend” (Innovative)
“Het is fijn dat Astrid Martalas zelf al ruime ervaring heeft als PC, dat is wel noodzakelijk voor de training” (Astrid Martalas’s extensive experience as a PC is necessary for the training)
“De film met de gang van zaken bij een PC-proces: gaf voor mij een goed beeld” (The video of the PC process was very helpful)
“Ik vind het bestaan van de PC geweldig en ook dat het in Nederland wordt uitgerold” (The existence of PC and the fact that it is being rolled out in the Netherlands is awesome)
“Inspirerende nieuwe optie” (Inspiring new option in Family Law)
“Erg leuk om te horen hoe het gaat. Leuk om te doen” (Great to hear how it works, and great to put into practice)
“De oplossingsgerichte mediationtactieken” (Solution focused mediation techniques)

AFCC Australian Chapter
- 8-11 February 2021: Parenting coordination training (online)
Vital Family Law Virtual Series in Australia & New Zealand
- 19 November 2020: Parenting coordination training (online)
Forensic report writing workshop at Pomegranate
- 14-15 February 2020: Forensic reports: How to write, read and evaluate.
Dr Robyn Fasser
Anthony Townsend
Comments from delegates:
“An excellent way to up the standard of current practice”
“Great opportunity to meet with colleagues and bounce ideas around”
“A lot of useful ideas pulled together for us to consider”
“Interesting, thorough and relevant”
“Presenters excellent, knowledgable and experienced”
“Great opportunity for legal and mental health professionals to share ideas”

Parenting coordination training in the Netherlands
- 25-26 November 2019 – Parenting Coordination Training, ‘s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.
- 28-30 November 2019 – Parenting Coordination Training, Vrije Universiteit Law Academy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Comments from delegates (VU Law Academy):
“Deskundig, praktisch toepasbaar, inspirerend” (Knowledgeable, applicable in practice, inspiring)
“Schrijfoefening top” (The written exercise (of the directive) was excellent)
“Theorie en praktijk goed aan bod gekomen” (Theory and practice were well discussed)
“Een nieuwe wijze van conflicthantering” (A new way of conflict resolution)

Parenting coordination training in Australia
- 12 & 13 August 2019 – Relationships Australia, Perth, Australia
- 6 – 8 March 2018 – Relationships Australia, Perth, Australia
Parenting coordination training at Pomegranate
- Module 1: 25 & 26 January 2019
- Module 2 & 3: 14, 15 & 16 March 2019
Craig Schneider – craiglaw@iafrica.com
Astrid Martalas –astrid@pomegranate.org.za
Comments from delegates:
“Very helpful research”
“I am so pleased that I attended this programme”
“Everybody doing this work should attend this training”
“Liked the humour”
“Presenters were excellent and make a good team”